To Hold, or Not To Hold

That is the question

credit: @MetafrogNFT



  • The Frogs are awesome.
  • Our goal is to bring enough utility for you as a Frog holder to where the speculative floor price is not the metric you use to determine the value of your frog.
  • We will deliver that utility through creating a powerhouse Web3 brand, and engaging in Web3 commercial activities that replace or improve Web2 business models.
  • And we will transfer the utility we produce to you through the $FRG token.
  • Staking Target date is the week of 6/13/2022.
  • Buy a Frog


This Escalated Quickly

I need to start this article with a recognition of the the frogs.
The real frogs. You know who you are.

You are already one of the strongest communities in the NFT space. And people are starting to notice.

Our goal was to unite a community that believed in the mission, and that was willing to help us work towards achieving it. But nobody thought it would happen this quickly!

Honestly. The Plague of froooooggss is unbelievable.
The question is…. Can this momentum last?
The second question is… Can we scale it?

I think yes.

But we have a lot of work to do. And there WILL be bumps in the road.

All that being said, I could not be more proud of the frooooggss and the community we have built so far.

And you can count on one thing for sure. We are not playing this game to be just “one of the best” projects. We play to win.


Why are you here?

“It’s not the size of the frog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the frog.”

Credit @jellypebbles

Are you here for the money? Yes. Me too

Are you here for the art? Some of us. Rimbik did awesome!

Are you here for the mission? We hope so. That is really the point.

But we are not confident everyone can define the mission or that everyone completely understands what it is.

Our Mission

Our mission is to “combat the centralization of opportunity and the corruption of power.”


  • Cleaning up the NFT Space (scam busting, awareness, etc.)
  • Decentralizing influence. Instead of a relatively small group of people with large followings influencing the market, our goal is to have a large group of frogs influence the market instead.
  • Creating an opportunity for the Frogs to have access to IRL assets they may not have been able access on their own.

The key point is that we want to combat the centralization of opportunity by decentralizing that opportunity instead.

But what does that mean?

It means we will utilize Web3 technology and philosophies to either replace Web2 business models completely, or improve upon them by integrating some Web3 aspects into their business.

And by doing so we will create utility for the Frogs.

That leaves two more questions.

  1. What is Utility?
  2. What are The Plague’s Goals?


Learn more about what we mean when we say we want to decentralize opportunity by reading our Frog Manifesto.


Question #1 — What is Utility?

Imagine this scenario.

You spend $1,000 to join a really cool club that you have had your eye on. One of the benefits to this club is that they give you “rewards points”.

But what can you spend those rewards points on? I have an idea.

You can spend your rewards points on the chance to buy into another club for $1,000. But it is only a chance, because there are only 4,000 spots and there are 8,000 people with the chance to buy in.

What are the benefits of this club?

Well, one day they may have a game. But in the meantime, you can earn rewards points. And you guessed it, those rewards points can be used to give you the opportunity to buy into another club for $1,000.

Is this a good deal? What if they throw in a picture of a sloth?

The Plague Wants To Be Different

We want to provide real utility to our holders. How will that utility be delivered?

Is it the potential of the speculative floor price going to the moon!? — The short answer is, no. Our goal is to bring enough utility for you as a Frog holder to where the floor price won’t matter. That being said, if we do deliver that amount of utility, pumps in speculative pricing might occur.

Is it the token? Yes. Our goal is to use the token to bring utility to our frogs. To reward you for your contribution to the mission of The Plague. To take all of the utility created through our mission and distribute through the token, to the frogs.

Is it the community? Yes. we have stated many times. We will not achieve our goals without a strong community. A HUGE part of our marketing strategy relies on YOU! The frogs will build our brand, and if you have paid attention, you can see that we are going to have some fun doing it!

The opportunity for the frogs is limited only by the total potential opportunity in the Web3 world, the skillsets we have as a group, and our ability to stay focused and work together towards achieving our goals.

If we achieve our goals, the utility provided to the frogs will reflect those achievements.

Why token?

Why do all new NFT projects have tokens?

  1. We the consumer. It has become an expectation from the NFT holder (not flipper) that a project has a token.
  2. Imitating what works as a sales gimmick is easier than coming up with something new.
  3. It gives us the sense that we can do something with the NFT besides sell it at a higher price.
  4. A project is looking for a way to deliver long term utility to its NFT holders outside of them selling that NFT on the speculative market.

Only one of those reasons is worth doing in the long run.

“A project is looking for a way to deliver long term utility to its NFT holders outside of them selling that NFT on the speculative market”

The other 3 will only help the short-to-medium term speculative price.

What makes The Plague different?

We want to deliver utility to our frog holders for the money and time they have spent helping us further our mission of decentralizing opportunity.

The question is, how do you do that AND navigate all the potential regulatory and tax implications?

Most projects do that by making the utility of their coin tied to a game. And that works. We are going to have a game in the metaverse, or perhaps multiple games. But we also want to do much more with our token than play with avatars in pretend worlds.

The question is, how?

The answer to that IS…….coming soon.

Our Goals For The $FRG Token

We have two primary goals we hope to achieve with our token.

1. Operate within current and future regulatory guidelines

2. Reward long term frog holders

Our plans to reward long-term frog holders via $FRG include:

  • Creating a sound tokenomics model that balances supply with utility over the long run
  • Create commercial activities that utilize the $FRG token. This will add additional liquidity to the token
  • Offer the opportunity to gain equity in NFT projects or Web3 businesses that are put through the Frog Tank process using the $FRG token
  • Create a “gaming guild” that allows $FRG to be used to enable game-play in games that the community desires to play.

How do you earn $FRG?

  • Staking. Every staked frog will earn $FRG token
  • Being an active member of the community
  • Other ways to be announced later

Some $FRG Data Points

The data below is preliminary and might be changed slightly before official launch. We need to model out as many scenarios as possible before we commit to the final numbers. However, we will definitely have a finite supply of tokens.

  • ERC20 token
  • Finite supply of 200 million tokens
  • Tokens earned through staking frogs = 40% — 50% of supply
  • Tokens earned through engagement = 20% — 25% of supply
  • Tokens held back for future partnerships = 10% — 20% of supply
  • Tokens earned through staking in LP pool = 15% — 25%
  • Tokens allocated to the OG’s who made it through all three snapshots (last one taken on 5/13/2022 = 500,000 👀👀
  • Tokens allocated to those that continue to hold after their 1st snapshot on 5/13/2022 = You wish you knew
  • Expected timeframe before all tokens are in circulation = 3–5 years

A Note On Staking
We will incorporate a time based staking mechanism. This will reward our long term holders. The below is an example, the numbers are NOT official.

Months 1–3 = 100 Tokens per month

Months 4–6 = 200 Tokens per month

Months 7 and beyond = 300 Tokens per month

Again, we want to reward those who are here for the long run. So we strive to create reward mechanisms that help us accomplish this goal.


  1. When do OG’s get their snapshot tokens? When staking begins
  2. How many snapshots left for those that had their first snapshot on 5/13/2022? Two more. When are they? Not telling.
  3. When does staking begin? Target date is the week of 6/13/2022


Question #2 — What Are The Goals For The Plague ?

“One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results”

  1. To build a community that delivers results, and has fun doing it.

One of our goals is to develop a community (or more accurately an alliance of communities) that builds a powerhouse Web3 brand. A strong brand will allow us to build strong businesses. Strong businesses will deliver value. Value creates utility.

We are well on our way to building this brand. And we are having fun doing it.

This is the way.

2. To become a Web3 Marketing Force

Today, 5/17/2022, we have no product. But we (or more accurately YOU) are building our brand despite that fact. Think about that. We minted our Army less than 1 month ago without any influencer help, and The Plague of Frogs is already in the top 50–60 projects from a community reach perspective (source:

We are the ONLY project that I can see in the Top #100 that has a speculative floor price below 0.1 ETH. Why does that matter? PFP usage is a huge part of the ranking equation. Most people don’t use a PFP that is worth less than 0.1 ETH.

What is the point of the above?

If the The Plague of Frogs can continue to engage at our current level AND grow our active frogs, we will be a marketing force that will disrupt the NFT space. Which brings me to our next goal.

3. To build out multiple Web3 businesses owned by The Plague that support the $FRG token

Many NFT projects focus on only two things. The floor price, and the game they are planning on building. The Plague is focused on one thing. Building utility for the frogs.

We can build utility through:

  • Plague owned Web3 businesses
  • Plague owned Web2 businesses utilizing Web3 mechanisms
  • Plague supported (Through The Frog Tank) Web3 businesses and NFT projects.
  • Plague owned assets that bring utility to the frogs

And we will have an established Web3 brand and an unmatched marketing force drive us towards success!


The Way Forward

Hopefully, it is now clear what our goals are for The Plague, why we have a token and how we will use that token to deliver utility to the frogs.

So now what?

Our primary goal over the next 60–90 days needs to be to grow our community. We need YOU to make that happen.

One last topic to address.

Three Frogs and A FINO

As I see it, we have three types of frogs and some FINOs

  • The Passive Frog (The Stakooors) — They believe in our cause. They bought a frog because they believe in what we are doing, but they don’t have any time or more money to contribute. We love them anyway. Keeping staking!
  • The Frog that contributes by investing time (The Engageoooors) — They stake their frog AND they are the engageoooors! In reality, these are the frogs that are carrying The Plague right now. They are raiding, memeing , and blowing up the NFT community on Twitter. These are also frogs that want to take out the Scammers and Rug Pullers. I love these frogs.
  • The Frog that Contributes by investing money (The Financeooors) — Some frogs have more money than they have time. But they want to contribute to Frog Tank projects, or other projects that the Plague is unleashing. We need these frogs. Thank you for being here.
  • The Frog in name only (FINO’s or Flipoooors) — They are here to see what happens. But not really interested in engaging. They will leave when the speculative price meets their target. Or they will leave when they are tired of waiting for it to hit their target. The sooner they are gone, the better. Thank you for the revenue.

As we have stated many times, the Plague will focus on decentralizing opportunity. That does not mean that all of our frogs will have equal outcomes.

Frogs that engage more or invest more will produce more utility than passive frogs. Therefore they will receive more utility.

So while 1 Frog = 1 Frog, the outcomes will not always be the same.

In closing….

Buy a frog.

